when you're stumped on a riddle, click the arrow to see the answer! BOO!!!!

you buy me taken apart, to redo what has been undone; four of my pieces have one sharp corner, the rest of them have none. what am i? a jigsaw puzzle

what has hands but cannot wear gloves, a face but cannot look? a clock

whats black and white and read all over? a newspaper :DDD

a grandmother, two mothers, and two daughters get one cup of tea each. what was the total number of cups that they ordered? 3 (the grandmother is also a mother, and the mother is a daughter)

i wash, cut and shave a dozen times a day yet i still have lots of hair. who am i? a barber

while a cat was outside, it started to downpour. the cat couldnt find any shelter and got completely soaked by the rain, yet not a single hair was wet. how could this be? hairless cat

aehahahahha! welcome to my world of riddles... will you stay and solve them? or go home?